Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Mysterious Pain Continues

Sadly, I am still in quite a bit of pain. (Unless you were one of the many people I called right after my surgery. I can't remember what I said to you all, but I remember feeling GREAT from whatever drugs I was on!) At first we thought the pain was just my body recovering from the surgery, but now I'm feeling pretty much the same as I did before.

I never updated on here, but they didn't end up finding any endometriosis. Instead, they found my appendix in an odd spot. It was a bit bigger than normal and had some tissue growing on it, so they went ahead and removed that.

So I will try to keep you updated on any news. My parents are going to call the doctor for me tomorrow (Monday) morning. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty discouraged and frustrated that I don't feel better yet, so please be praying that I can be patient and trust in God's timing!


At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better Mousey. I'll see you this weekend. --rm


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