Reminds Me of Rosie
Julia and I have discovered that the door knockers on UP apartments strongly resemble robots. Please check next time if you are doubting me. We named the one on Brady and Andrew's door "Roy" and the one across the walkway "Thelma". Jeff has just recently named the walkway "Hank". But back to Roy and Thelma. They spend all day just looking at each other. They are in love. I am so happy for Roy and Thelma.
such hilarity! at first i thought you meant door knockers as in PEOPLE door knockers. like, traveling salesmen or something. now the post makes much more sense! :-) i hope your weekend is nifty!
hank was telling me that he heard a rumor that roy was going to ask thelma out... as soon as he can work up the courage to go over there and ask her.... sometimes i think roy is using his door as an excuse because he's too afraid to really live his life. i hope he can get away from that door long enough to talk to thelma. they would make such a cute couple.
uh, im pretty sure they look like door knockers. you crazy! the door knockers have no feelings. they are not in love.
hey! door knockers are people too!!
i don't know how i feel about that. but it's an interesting theory.
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